Prof. Gavriel Salomon

(of blessed memory)  1938-2016


Recent Books

Salomon, G. (2001). Technology and education in the age of information. Zmora-Bitan (Hebrew).


Recent Edited Books

Salomon, G. (1993). Distributed cognitions. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Salomon, G., & Nevo, B. (2002). Peace education: The concept, principles, and practices around the world. Mahwah, NJ: LEA

Recent Chapters in books

Salomon, G. (1996). Studying novel learning environments as patterns of change. In S. Vosiniadou, E. De Corte, R. Glaser & H. Mandl (Eds.). International Perspectives on the design of Technology Supported Learning. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Salomon, G., & Perkins, D. N. (1996). Learning in wonderland: What computers really offer education. In S. kerr (Ed.). Technology and the future of education. (pp. 111-130). NSSE Yearbook. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Salomon, G. (1996). Studying the computer vs. the whole learning environment: Relating analytic and systemic paradigms. In S. Strauss (Ed.). Development and learning environments. New York: Ablex.

Salomon, G. and Almog, G. (1995). The image of the desired graduate. In Planning educational policy. (pp. 343-368). Jerusalem: Ministry of Education (Hebrew).

Salomon, G. (1997). Key questions needing answers: From confusion to focus. In: D. Halperin (Ed.). To live together: Shaping new attitudes to peace through education. Geneva: International Bureau of Education.

Salomon, G. & Perkins, D. N. (1998). Individual and social aspects of learning. Review of Research in Education , 23, 1-24, (Special issue editors: P.D. Pearson & A. Iran-Nejad).

Salomon, G. (2002). The nature of peace education: Not all programs are created equal. In G. Salomon & B. Nevo (Eds.). Peace education: The concept, principles and practices around the world. Mahwah, NJ: LEA.

Salomon, G., Kosminsky, E, & Asaf, M. (2003). Computers and Writing. In T. Nunes & Bryant,P. (Eds.) (2003). Handbook of children's literacy. (pp. 409-442). London: Kluwer.  

Salomon, G. (2003). The essential nature of of peace education and some of the dilemmas that accompany it. In T. Fried (Ed.). Social and psychological factors in conflict and its resolution: The Mid-Eastern and European experience. European Commission: Directorate-General for Research. EUR 20640.

Mayseless, O., & Salomon, G. (2003). Dialectic contratictions in eh experiences of Israeli Jewish adolescents: Efficay and stressm closeness and frinction, and conformity and non-compliance. In F. Pajares, & T. Urdan (Eds.). Adolescence and Education., Volume III: Internatiional Perspectives on adolescence (pp. 149-171). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Translated into the Hebrew and published in a book edied by G. Rahav, Y. Wosner, & M. Schwatz: Youth in Israel, 2004. Tel-Aviv, Tel-Aviv University.

Salomon, G. & Perkins, D.N. (2005). Do technologies make us smarter? Intellectual amplification with, of and through technology. In D. D. Preiss & R. Sternberg (Eds.). Intelligence and technology. (pp. 71-86) . Mahwah, NJ: LEA.

Ichilov, O., Salomon, G., & Inbar, D. (2005). Citizenship Education in Israel – A Jewish-Democratic State. in R. Cohen-Almagor (ed.), Israeli democracy at the crossroads, (pp.29-49). London: Routledge.

Bar-Tal, D., & Salomon, G. (2006). Israeli-Jewish Narratives of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Evolvement, Contents, Functions and Consequences. In R.I. Rotberg (Ed.). Israeli and Palestinian narratives of conflict: History's Double Helix . Bloonington, In: Indiana University Press.

Salomon, G. (2006). The systemic vs. analytic study of complex learning environments. In J. Ellen and R.E. Clark (Eds.). Handling Complexity in Learning Environments: Theory and Research (pp. 255-274). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Recent Items in encyclopedias

Salomon, G. (in press). School learning for transfer. In the N. Smelser & P. Baltes (Eds.). International Encyclopedia for the Behavioral Sciences.

Salomon, G. (1999). Computers in curriculum. In T. N. Postlethwaite & T. Husen (Eds.). International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford, England: Pergamon Books (Selected by Pergamon Press to be included also in The international Encyclopedia of Educational Technology (1999).

Salomon, G. (1989). Children: Use of the media. In the International Encyclopedia of Communication (pp. 268-270). Oxford University Press, Inc., and The University of Pennsylvania.

Salomon, G. (1992). New information technologies in education. In M. C. Alkin (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Educational Research (Sixth Edition) (pp. 892-903). New York: Macmillan.

Perkins, D. N., & Salomon, G. (1994). Transfer of learning. In T. Husen & T. N. Postelwhite (Eds.). International Handbook of Educational Research (Second Edition, Vol. 11; pp. 6452-6457). Oxford, Pergamon Press.

Salomon, G. (2001). School learning fo transfer. In N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (editors). International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. (pp. 13576-13579). Pergamon, Oxford.

Recent Articles in refereed journals

Salomon, G. (1995). Reflections on the field of educational psychology by the outgoing journal editor. Educational Psychologist, 30, 105-108.

Salomon, G. (1996). Unorthodox thoughts on the nature and mission of educational psychology. Educational Psychology Review, 8, 397-417.

Salomon, G. (1996). A highway for information or disinformation? Studies in Technology, 25, December, 2-5.

Salomon, G. (1997). Of mind and media: How culture's symbolic forms affect learning and thinking. Phi Delta Kappan, 78, 5, 375-380.

Salomon, G., & Almog, T. (1998). Educational psychology and technology: A matter of reciprocal relations. Teachers' College Record, 100, 1, 1-20.

Salomon, G. (1998). Technology's promises and dangers in a psychological context. From Theory to Practice, 37, 4-10.

Salomon, G. (1998). Novel constructivist learning environments and novel technologies: Some issues to be concerned with. Research Dialogue, 1 (1), 1-12. Also in: Iskolakultura (In Hungarian).

Salomon, G. (1999). Higher education facing the challenge of the information age. European Journal for Education Law and Policy, 3, 1-6. [Translated into the Spanish: La educacion superior frente a los desafios de la era de la inromacion. Buletin de la RED-U, May 2002, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 5-11]

Salomon, G., & Nevo, B. (2001). The dilemmas of peace education in intractable conflicts. Palestine-Israel Journal, 7, 64-68.

Salomon, G. (2002). Technology and pedagogy: Why don’t we see the promised revolution? Educational Technology. Vol. XLII (2), 71-75.

Salomon, G. (2004). A narrative-based view of coexistence education . Journal of Social Issues. 60, 273-288.

Salomon, G. (2004). Does peace education make a difference? Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 10, 257-274.

Salomon, G. (2006). Does peace education really make a difference? Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 12, (1), 37-48.

Biton, Y., & Salomon, G. (2006). Peace in the Eyes of Israeli and Palestinian Youths as Function of Collective Narratives and Participation in a Peace Education Program. Journal of Peace Research, 43, (2), 167-180.

Kuperminz, H., & Salomon, G. (2005). Lessons to be Learned From Research on Peace Education in the Context of Intractable Conflict. Theory to Practice, 44 (4), 293-302 .

Shechter, H., & Salomon, G. (2005). Does Vicarious Experience of Suffering Affect Empathy for an Adversary? The Effects of Israelis' Visit to Auschwitz on Their Empathy for Palestinians. Journal of peace education, 2 (2), 125-138.

Recent Conference papers

Unorthodox thoughts on the nature and mission of contemporary educational psychology. Division 15 Invited address, Annual Meeting of the APA, San Francisco, August, 1995.

Technology's promises and dangers in a psychological context: Implications for teaching and teacher education. Invited address to the Second International Conference on Teacher Education: Stability, Evolution and Revolution. Wingate Institute, Israel, June, 1996.

Individuals' and distributed cognitions: Can they inform each other ? Invited paper presented at the International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Teamwork. Madison, Wisconsin, November, 1996.

Novel Constructivist learning environments and novel technologies: Some issues to be concerned with. Invited address to the 7th Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction, Athens, August, 1997.

Technology and educational psychology: What kind of marriage is this? Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Association of Applied Psychology, San-Francisco, August, 1998.

Common pathways to peace through education and international relations. Invited Symposium, AERA Annual Meeting, Montreal, April, 1999.

Is there light at the end of the internet? Invited keynote address at the 3 rd International Cognitive Technology Congress, San Francisco, August, 1999.

It's not just the tool, but the educational rationale that counts . Invited keynote address to the World Conference on Educational Media, Hypermedia, and Telecommunication. Montreal, June, 2000.

What have we learned from the field of computing this far? Invited keynote address to the National Conference of the Norwegian Association for Educational Research. November, 2000.

Higher education faces the challenge of the information age. Invited key note address at the Studieren mit Multimedia und Internet - Ende der traditionellen Hochschule oder Innovationsschub? Darmstadt, 12. Juli 2001

Peace education: Its nature and complications. Invited key note address at the 2001 Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Fribourg, Switzerland, August 2001.

Peace education and novel technologies: How can the former benefit from the latter? Invited key note address at the International Congress on " Peace Education in Europe ” , University of Klagenfurt, Austria, November, 2001

The basic nature of peace education in regions of intractable conflict. Invited Address to the Canadian National Conference on Peace Educaiton, Hamilton, Ontario, November, 2002.

Peace education: Can it make a difference in the face of intractable conflict? Invited Address, the Annual Meeting of the AERA, Chicago, April 2003.

Does peace education make a difference? Invited address on the ocassion of being awarded the Clervinga Chair, Leiden University, The Netherlands.